Acquiring a domain name entails more than just registering it and entrusting it to the registrar’s care. It signifies a lasting dedication to safeguarding it against pitfalls such as expiration, unauthorized transfers, and hijacking. Explore the recommended best practices for effectively managing domain registrations and ensuring their security, as outlined by ICANN. Maintain current and […]
Domain Names
DNSSEC enabled for domain names on our hosting platform
The Domain Name System (DNS) translates the easy-to-remember domain names into numerical IP addresses. Since the DNS exists for more than three decades (1983), it has gradually become a subject to domain hijacking practices. The DNSSEC technology was developed to take care of this and minimize the cases of domain hijacking. We proudly welcome this […]
Certificates for transferring ownership of domains can now be obtained
When we made a public announcement about the issuance of domain ownership certificates earlier this month, we informed that the availability of certificates for transferring domain ownership would follow shortly. After conducting thorough testing for a duration of two weeks, we are excited to inform you that from today onwards, every time your domain name […]
Certificates for domain ownership are now being distributed
We have always placed a high priority on creating a positive brand environment. Today, we are excited to announce a new addition tо our brand: domain ownership certificates. These certificates will be provided to any of your customers who have registered a new domain, renewed an existing one, or updated their domain’s WHOIS information. The […]